3-27 Victoria St, ST GEORGE
Camping at the St George Showgrounds
Camping is only permitted where people are using the facilities to rest livestock being transported.
Council may approve camping for a specific purpose upon prior written approval. For example, an army convoy that cannot be accommodated at another facility or when camping is part of an event that is being held at the Showgrounds such as the Yellowbelly Country Music Festival.
In consultation with the four local caravan parks, Council may allow camping if there are no sites available locally.
In all instances:
- A per night camping fee shall apply. Refer to the Fees and Charges.
- Payment of camping fees shall be in advance.
- The area is left in a clean and tidy condition (to the satisfaction of the Council Officer responsible for the facility).
- Camping will be limited in duration to a maximum of two (2) consecutive nights in any one (1) week period unless prior written approval is given by Council.
St George Showground Map(JPG, 442KB)