Policies, Plans and Strategies Acceptable Request Guidelines(PDF, 307KB)Administrative Action Complaints Policy(PDF, 696KB)Advertising Spending Policy(PDF, 296KB)Aerodrome Hangar Policy(PDF, 132KB)Arts and Culture Strategy(PDF, 1MB)Asset Management Policy(PDF, 707KB)Asset Management Strategy(PDF, 758KB)Assistance to Bush Fire Brigades Policy(PDF, 5KB)Biosecurity Plan(PDF, 1MB)Biosecurity Advisory Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 696KB)Body Worn and Vehicle Mounted Camera Policy(PDF, 738KB)Caretaker Period Policy(PDF, 753KB)Cemeteries Operations Policy(PDF, 745KB)Code of Conduct for Councillors in Queensland(PDF, 344KB)Code of Conduct for Employees(PDF, 4MB)Code of Meeting Practice(PDF, 464KB)Community Engagement Policy(PDF, 669KB)Community Engagement Strategy(PDF, 796KB)Community Grants and Assistance Policy(PDF, 768KB)Complaints about the Public Official (CEO)(PDF, 693KB)Corporate Credit Card Policy(PDF, 296KB)Councillor Complaints Investigation Policy(PDF, 286KB)Councillor Confidentiality Policy(PDF, 320KB)Councillor's Expenses Reimbursement Policy(PDF, 269KB)Corporate Plan 2022-2027(PDF, 2MB)Corruption and Fraud Control Policy(PDF, 715KB)Customer Service Policy(PDF, 932KB)Debt Policy 2023-2024 (Statutory)(PDF, 224KB)Drinking Water Quality Management Plan(PDF, 2MB)Drug and Alcohol Policy(PDF, 3MB)Economic Development Strategy 2023-2027(PDF, 5MB)Emerging Leaders Bursary Policy(PDF, 237KB)Entertainment and Hospitality Policy(PDF, 266KB)Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Guidelines(PDF, 869KB)External Grant Application and Management Policy(PDF, 238KB)Facility Bookings Policy 2023-09-21(PDF, 322KB)Gifts and Benefits Policy(PDF, 277KB)Grid and Exclusion Fencing Policy(PDF, 730KB)BAL-1021 Health Safety Policy(PDF, 210KB)Human Rights Policy (Statutory)(PDF, 190KB)Investment Policy(PDF, 166KB)Keeping Extra Dogs Policy(PDF, 27KB)Licence or Lease of Council Owned or Controlled Land Policy(PDF, 319KB)Light Vehicle Policy(PDF, 208KB)Local Disaster Management Plan(PDF, 2MB)Local Housing Action Plan(PDF, 3MB)Managed Overflow Policy(PDF, 285KB)Media Policy(PDF, 172KB)Mungindi Water Restriction Policy(PDF, 256KB)Procurement Policy(PDF, 369KB)Public Information Communication and Warnings - Sub Plan 4(PDF, 4MB)Public Interest Disclosure Policy(PDF, 718KB)Rate Recovery Policy(PDF, 771KB)Rating Strategy 2019-2026(PDF, 308KB)Recreational Vehicle and Camping Strategy(PDF, 13MB)Revenue Policy(PDF, 566KB)Related Parties Disclosure Policy(PDF, 219KB)Revenue Statement(PDF, 6MB)Rural Residential Water Supply Policy(PDF, 30KB)St George River Water Supply Policy(PDF, 758KB)Stock Route Compliance Priority Policy and Compliance Procedure(PDF, 286KB)Support for Employees Affected by Domestic and Family Violence Policy(PDF, 210KB)Temporary Transfer of CAP Policy(PDF, 644KB)Temporary Transfer of CAP Procedure(PDF, 321KB)Traffic Management Policy(PDF, 681KB)Tourism and Events Strategy(PDF, 4MB)Tourism Events Grant Policy(PDF, 381KB)Town Common Agistment Policy(PDF, 693KB)Volunteer Policy (Visitor Information Centre)(PDF, 597KB)Water Meter Policy(PDF, 13KB)Wild Dog Advisory Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 654KB)Wild Dog Bounty and Retainer Policy(PDF, 781KB)Wild Dog Exclusion Fence Vegetation Clearance Policy(PDF, 240KB)Sundry Debt Recovery Policy(PDF, 747KB)